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Climate change and corporate action

Getting to Net Zero greenhouse gases and sustainability requires greater accountability and oversight through trusted data governance.

Climate and sustainability hero graphic

Track carbon metrics and streamline carbon reporting

Discover how your organization can reduce its corporate carbon footprint. Read how Emitwise and Intertrust are helping companies to comprehensively track their carbon metrics internally and streamline the external carbon reporting process.

Accountability and compliance through trusted data aggregation

To collectively face the climate crisis, we need to reward companies that are doing their part and guide others to better behavior. As companies demonstrate compliance with Net Zero greenhouse emissions they need a trusted way to document good behavior and disclose their emissions footprint.

Accountability and compliance through trusted data aggregation under hero graphic

Share climate data with trusted governance ecosystems

Building an effective ecosystem for sharing corporate data requires trust. Companies should have control over who sees their climate disclosures and how this information is being used by third parties to document compliance.

Govern data and protect data rights

Maintain provenance and document an immutable audit trail. Comply with regulations and data access rights requirements while protecting your data.

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Secure IoT sensors and devices

Use next-generation PKI to demonstrate that climate sensing devices and sensors can be trusted—and they are providing accurate real-time information.

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Streamline and correlate data collection

Streamline the collection and synthesis of climate data and corporate emissions to reveal patterns, share insights, meet requirements, and more.

Streamline and correlate data collection thumbnail

Many verticals. One Platform.

Renewables icon


Leading energy companies are raising efficiencies and reducing costs by using trusted data intelligence. Learn how RWE Renewables partnered with Intertrust to optimize its offshore wind farms.

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Energy and Utilities

For energy generators, distributors and retailers, data is now as important as the electrons they manage. Learn more about Intertrust’s solutions for energy.

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Electrified transportation is fundamental to addressing climate change. See how Intertrust is helping promote EV adoption and accelerate EV charging station installations.

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